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Sinikalliontie 10

Versatility is the foremost asset of the Sinikalliontie office property located in the lush Espoo surroundings. The spaces can be flexibly converted to the tenant's requirements. Sinikalliontie is easy to access by car, since it is only a couple of minutes away from Turunväylä. The location between the Kehä I and Kehä II ring roads is excellent.There is a direct bus connection from the centre of Helsinki and from Leppävaara, which is served by a train connection. The parking garage for six vehicles is added convenience for commuting employees, and there is ample parking for vehicles and bicycles outside. A well-equipped grocery store is located nearby, and there are several lunch restaurants within walking distance. More extensive services are available at the Sello shopping centre in Leppävaara, which is about eight minutes away by car. The Property is owned by Sponda.

Projekti ref. 333
Vendndodhja Sinikalliontie 10, 02630 Espoo, Mankkaa

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