Menyja Menyja

Kërko sipas numrit të referencës

Unioninkatu 20-22

In this office and retail property, the high hall of the house attracts attention. It is a handsome entrance to a space that is suitable even as a head office. The house has been completely renovated and is technically like new. The facilities are fully adaptable to the needs of the company. The magnificent stairwells have their own entrance for several companies, if necessary. The property is both spatially and ecologically efficient, and the premises are equipped with up-to-date ICT equipment. The house has received the Breeam environmental certificate for its energy efficiency. The property is located in the heart of Kaartinkaupunki's business center. Nearby are the seafront, parks and the Old Market Hall, as well as boutique hotels and top restaurants in the area. The barracks market also has a large grocery store and post office. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekti ref. 308
Vendndodhja Unioninkatu 20-22, 00130 Helsinki, Kaartinkaupunki

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