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Mikonkatu 17

Mikonkatu 17 is a magnificent, historic property in a great location in the heart of Helsinki, Fenniakortteli. The property, located next to Rautatientori, has excellent public transport connections around the Helsinki metropolitan area. The courtyard between the buildings is covered with a glass roof. There are business premises on the street level and office space on the upper floors. The protected interiors of the hotel building have been technically upgraded to the level of the current office. The neo-baroque ambience of the house with its magnificent stairwells and high rooms provides a wonderful setting for a company that appreciates a valuable look. The modern office building was completed in 2002 and its premises can be easily adapted to each company. Sponda owns the property.

Projekti ref. 304
Vendndodhja Mikonkatu 17, 00100 Helsinki, Kluuvi

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