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Rent with Habita

Renting an apartment

The apartment should be rented out if it only makes sense financially. On the other hand, if you are looking for a rental apartment, at Habita you will find rental apartments of different sizes around the world. Check out the apartments for rent and if you can’t find a suitable one, get in touch and we’ll find your dream apartment. Through us you can also find plots and garages for rent.


Rent with Habita

What should be considered when renting out an apartment?

You can let the apartment at any time and you can let the apartment to anyone. The easiest and safest way to rent out an apartment is to use a real estate agent. When renting out using a professional, finding a reliable and long-term tenant is easy and effortless. Habita’s real estate agents have a long experience in renting apartments. We interview potential tenants, organize apartment screenings and also do a credit check before the tenant signs the contract.


Rent with Habita

Good apartment rental

Rent that is too high can drive away tenants and keep the apartment empty for many months. This can even turn out to be more expensive than keeping the rent slightly lower, which makes the tenant stay longer. A suitable rent level is determined by the market and also takes into account the condition and location of the apartment, among other things. You should always ask a professional for advice on determining the rent. At Habita’s rental service, we help you let your apartment: we determine the right rent, organize apartment viewings, check the tenant’s ability to pay and do all the paperwork for you.

Detached house

Rent with Habita

Renting out a vacation home

It is easy to make your own holiday apartment create income in the months when you do not use it yourself. The easiest way to rent out is to use a service partner. At Habita, the rental property goes not only on our website but also on 80 international marketing portals. It is good to market the holiday home as widely as possible, because there is a lot of accommodation available. In the endgame, however, you yourself decide who you rent your apartment to. Through Habita, you can find temporary and permanent tenants.


Rent with Habita

What should be considered when renting an apartment?

There are many different types of rental apartments on the market. When you choose a rental apartment, you should first think about what kind of need the apartment will meet:

  • How many people would live in the apartment?
  • How long the apartment is needed for?
  • Do the location, services in the area or transport connections matter?
  • What equipment or services should be in the apartment or in the building?
  • Is it a permanent apartment, a holiday apartment or an apartment rented for work?

In addition, it is worth considering the expenses that come in addition to the rent. The rent often does not include, for example, insurance, electricity or gas. When renting, you should always use a local real estate agent. This way you avoid misunderstandings caused by the language barrier or cultural differences, and you can trust that the rental agreements are made in the manner required by local law.


Rent with Habita

Renting an apartment at Habita

At Habita, you rent or let your own apartment easily and effortlessly. With us, you can find rental apartments suitable for permanent living and vacationing in more than 30 countries. When renting, we always follow good rental practices. Contact your local Habita office when you want to rent out your apartment or want to rent an apartment. If you are not familiar with local rental practices, it is safest and most convenient to use a real estate agent with local knowledge.


Rent with Habita

What Habita offers to landlords

When you rent out your apartment through us, you save time and money. You can trust that good rental practices are followed when renting. First contact Habita and you will get the best real estate agent for your apartment. Our first job is to evaluate the apartment’s rent level, describe the apartment and publish it on our website and 80 international apartment portals. We organize apartment viewings and give recommendations on potential tenants. Before signing the lease, we check the credit information of the tenant candidate. The rental agreement is drawn up in writing and is signed by both the lessor and the lessee. We also take care of possible guarantee rent payment and handing over the keys.

Open kitchen

Rent with Habita

What Habita offers to the tenant?

If you are unfamiliar with the local apartment rental market, it is easiest to use a local real estate agent. If you cannot find a suitable rental apartment on the Habita website, contact us and we will find you a rental apartment that meets your criteria. We will turn on Habita’s property alert service for you, with which you will receive a message every time a new apartment suitable for you is available for rent.

You can come to the apartment viewings with a pre-filled rental application. Naturally the application can also be filled out on the Habita website or at the apartment viewing. In the rental application, you should add possible references, such as the previous landlord or employer. However, remember to ask the recommenders’ permission before adding them to the application. The most desirable apartments go quickly and if you have proof that you are a good tenant, you are already a little ahead of others in the application process. When a suitable apartment is found, we draw up a written rental agreement that binds both the tenant and the landlord. However, the landlord always decides to whom he rents out his apartment.

Do you want to rent out your apartment or rent an apartment?

At Habita, we know the local rental market and help you find a solvent tenant for your apartment. If you are looking for a rental apartment, we will find you a home that meets your criteria. Get in touch by filling out the attached form, and our representative will contact you. You can also call us at +220 2939 719, and we'll talk right away.

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