Izbornik Izbornik

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Yliopistonkatu 5

The Heimola property is in a splendid location right in the heart of the city, at the end of a lively pedestrian street. This property can be accessed via a tunnel from the Helsinki University metro station in Kaisaniemi. The railway station is also within just a few minute's walking distance. The premises of the building, completed in the 1970s, are modern and easily convertible into an open-plan office or private, quiet offices. The property is also easily accessible via public transport from nearly any corner of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The restaurants, cafes, stores of Kluuvi as well as upscale hotels and other services of the city centre are in the immediate vicinity of the property. Features that current tenants find especially appealing in the property include the large windows and spaciousness. The block offers a wide variety of stores as well as services ranging from health care to banks and culinary delights. The services of the city centre are all within walking distance. Property is owned by Sponda.

Referentni broj projekta 312
Lokacija Yliopistonkatu 5, 00100 Helsinki, Kluuvi

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