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Tomt, Wołkowyja

38-610 Wołkowyja

Beautiful investment plot

I will sell a real viewing plot in Wołkowyja, where there is an official viewing point! From the plot, in good weather conditions, you can see Połoniny plus a permanent view of the lake. There is good access to the plot directly from the Bieszczadzka loop road. I assure you that there is no such beautiful and large plot in the area. On the plot you can put a hotel, restaurants, a lookout tower or a house with a fabulous 360-degree view because it is a hectare at the top of the mountain.

Iwona Burzyńska

Iwona Burzyńska

English Polish
Habita Rzeszów
Janusz Nosek

Janusz Nosek

English Polish Ukranian
Administrerende direktør
Habita Rzeszów
Habita lisensiert eiendomsmegler


Oppføringsnummer 650157
Salgspris PLN 1 499 000 (kr 4 058 271)
Tomteareal 9900 m²
Terreng Svak helning
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Ingen plan
Kommunal Elektrisitet


Ingen gebyrer.


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