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Buy a property in Istanbul

The most prominent motive that encourage a foreigner to buy a property in Istanbul is that he found in thу city the right place for permanent residence, where all the elements of an ideal life are available in it, such as warm climate, sea, nature, schools, hospitals, malls, and others. Besides, one of the main goals in which a foreigner chooses to buy real estate in Istanbul is the desire to obtain Turkish citizenship. According to the latest statistics, more than 40% of those who bought real estate in Istanbul were seeking Turkish citizenship. Habita Istanbul specialists will be happy to help you at all stages of buying property in Turkey.

Invest in Turkey

Istanbul has strong investment potential - investors who buy a property in Istanbul nowadays can be confident that they will be able to sell or rent it quickly. The Istanbul real estate market is growing, making this an excellent time to buy a property there if you seek a solid return on your investment. International investors are frequently concerned about regulatory requirements when purchasing a property in another country. However, you may be sure that buying a property in Istanbul or throughout Turkey is a simple and stress-free process. Habita Istanbul team provides a step-by-step assistance in buying a property in Turkey and will help you in understanding the whole process.


Nyeste eiendommer i Turkey

Ingen eiendommer.

Kontorer i Turkey

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