Мени Мени

Претрага по позивном броју

Земљиште, Pitkävaara

98100 Kemijärvi

A plot to build a holiday village in Lapland

Welcome to the unique destination of Finnish Lapland – Pitkävaara, Here you can build on top of a hill facing all directions with unique Lapland views. Here you can build a holiday village up to 10.000sqm or use as your private get away. Pitkävaara is an old ski resort situated in a breathtakingly beautiful location, providing a stunning view of the surrounding fell and lake scenery. This exceptional destination combines the wild dreams of Lapland with easy access to year-round services. For more information please contact us

Henri Tuomi

Henri Tuomi

English Finnish
Менаџер продаје
Habita Rovaniemi
Финска квалификација за некретнине
Sari Alaruikka

Sari Alaruikka

Агент за некретнине
Habita Rovaniemi
Финска квалификација за некретнине, Нотар
Tuure Toivola

Tuure Toivola

English Finnish
Генерални директор
Habita Valhalla

Детаљи о земљишту

Број објаве 645114
Продајна цијена 429.000 €
Слободно од Према уговору
Област парцеле 250200 м²
Број зграда 1
Терен Нагиб
Пут Да
Власништво над земљом Посједовати
Планска ситуација Регионални план
Partially recreational area in the regional plan.
Права градње 10000 м²
General plan amendment underway where an area is designated as RM building zone, according to an email from Kemijärvi city, construction is possible with an exemption permit; according to the owner's view, either the RA plan or the RM plan can be used. Pr
Додатне информације The property can also be built on without a detailed plan, for example, through a planning permission decision; there are no obstacles as long as water and sewage services are properly arranged. The property has an uninhabitable building. Pitkävaara is located on the borderlands of the Arctic Circle in beautiful Lapland, Finland. Pitkävaara offers excellent opportunities for free movement in nature and various outdoor activities. Pitkävaara is situated near the center of Kemijärvi, only 3.5 km away. It is 60 km to other towns such as Salla and 70 km to Rovaniemi.


Продавница 5.1 км  
Здраствена установа 5.1 км  
Ресторан 5.4 км  

Приступ јавном превозу

Воз 6.8 км, Kemijärvi railway station with services to Rovaniemi, Oulu and Helsinki
Аеродром 86.3 км  


Нема такси.

Трошкови куповине

Нотар 64 €
The notary's fee (128 euros) is split equally between the seller and the buyer.
Трошкови регистрације 161 €
The registration fee for the transfer of title deed is covered by the buyer.
Порез на пренос 3 %

Овако почиње куповина Ваше некретнине

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