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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Kaupintie 3

00440 Helsinki, Pohjois-Haaga

Kaupintie 3

The office building adapts to a variety of requirements and offers modern services. It is located in the Lassila district within good transport connections. Can be divided into units of 500 m² to 25,600 m². The property has plenty of conference and meeting rooms and a lunch restaurant. Added value to the premises is provided by a fitness centre and employee facilities. A cooled ventilation, modern telecommunications cabling as well as video surveillance and alarm systems add to the comfort and safety of working in the property. The property is owned by Sponda.

Timo Ahonen

Timo Ahonen

English Finnish
Habita Finland
Soome kinnisvaramaakleri sertifikaat

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Peamised andmed

Objekti ID number 629406
Rendi suurus 0 € / kuu
Müügilepingu kestus Tähtajaline
Tüüp Büroopind
Korrus 6
Äripinna korruste arv 1
Üldpind 25600 m²
Mõõdud kontrollitud Ei
Mõõtmiste info põhineb Põhikiri
Seisukord Hea
Vaba alates Immediately available

Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed

Ehitusaasta 1992
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta 1992
Korruseid 7
Lift Ja
Energiamärgis E, 2007
Reljeef Tasane
Tee Ja
Maaomand Oma
Planeerimise olukord Detailplaneering
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk Vesi, Kanalisatsioon, Elekter, Kaugküte
