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Tìm kiếm bằng số tham chiếu


Riviera combines the best of French Mediterranean design perspective and modern architecture to create the ideal place for modern community living. Riviera comprises of 69 mid-rise residential buildings, a mega integrated retail district, breathtaking waterfront views and lush greenery. Riviera invites its residents to feel at home and be a part of a diverse and multicultural community. Family-friendly outdoor activities, leisure, dining and retail therapy are a slice of everyday life. In more ways than one, Riviera is creating a new paradigm for community living in Dubai.

Số tham chiếu dự án 804
Vị trí Al Merqadh, Al Marqadh
Marsida Murataj

Marsida Murataj

English Spanish Albanian Italian
Giám đốc điều hành
Habita Dubai
Đại lý bất động sản được cấp phép của Habita

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