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Kalkkipellontie 6

Kalkkipellontie 6 is located in Mäkkylä, an area between Leppävaara and Pitäjänmäki, in the immediate vicinity of the Kehä I ring road and Turuntie. The Mäkkylä railway station is within a five-minute walk. Buses operating on the Old Turuntie road, including the Jokerilinja line 550, have stops near the building. The Sello shopping centre is one train stop away and within a ten-minute walking distance. The Kehä I ring road is approximately two minutes away by car. There is ample parking both in the basement level and outside. The office property, built in 1987, has 8,242m² of flexible office space equipped with cooling. The Sello shopping centre is one train stop away and within a ten-minute walking distance. The property is owned by Sponda.

Số tham chiếu dự án 347
Vị trí Kalkkipellontie 6, 02600 Espoo, Leppävaara

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