Izvēlne Izvēlne

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The ABHRV1 subdivision of the BHRV1 project was formed inspired by the land of beautiful architecture, in harmony with the green living landscape, warm sunshine and the appearance of a series of exciting events and festivals. Colored iron with Mediterranean style. ABHRV1 has a variety of modern design products such as: shophouse; commercial townhouses; villas with attractive selling prices and flexible payment programs, suitable for the first line of customers buying to live as well as profitable investment. The ABHRV1 subdivision has been chosen by many customers, highly appreciated by its generosity, beautiful and fresh and vibrant design. Converging all elements like a miniature city helps to enhance the value of enjoying a new life for all residents in a leading ecological urban area in the East of Saigon.

Projekts ats. 863
Atrašanās vieta Bien Hoa, 675501 Đồng Nai
Nhi Nguyen

Nhi Nguyen

Pārdošanas pārstāvis
Habita Ho Chi Minh

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