Izvēlne Izvēlne

Meklēt pēc atsauces numura

Asiakkaankatu 3

The property offers good-quality, spacious office and retail premises with a great location and good transport links. The property is ideally located in Itäkeskus, right next to Itis shopping center. It is easy to reach the property by public transport and the Itäkeskus Metro Station is about 400 meters away. There is also a bus stop right next to the property. When arriving by car, the connections to Itäväylä and Ring I are excellent. There are plenty of services nearby, including grocery stores and restaurants. The Itis shopping center naturally offers a wealth of services.

Projekts ats. 397
Atrašanās vieta Asiakkaankatu 3, 00930 Helsinki, Itäkeskus

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