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New building in Prathamnak Hill

People often dream of a bigger apartment than they really need. Dreams are easier to achieve when you pay just for the squares that you need. Most of the daytime is usually spent outdoors in Thailand. Cheap price level makes hobbies, different activities, and dining in restaurants affordable for everyone, so the needs for indoor living area is different from western world. You Dream's smart design ensures that our relatively small apartments have everything you need, at an affordable price. You don't have to compromise on quality or amenities as each apartment is equipped with European standard kitchen and room specific air-conditioners. Bathrooms are tiled from floor to ceiling and each unit also has a dedicated spot for washing machine. Ceiling spotlights ensure quality lightning in apartments. All apartments in Siam Oriental Dream are sold as ready-to-move-in, which means that you just must buy the necessary furniture according to your own desires. Let's make your dream come true!

Projekto nuor. 859
Vieta Sales office: Soi 4 Pratamnak road, 20150 Pattaya
Christoffer Timonen

Christoffer Timonen

English Finnish Thai
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Pattaya
Jari Gardziella

Jari Gardziella

English Finnish German Swedish
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Pattaya
Suomijos nekilnojamojo turto kvalifikacija
Vladimir Iazykov

Vladimir Iazykov

English Russian
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Pattaya
Habita licencijuotas nekilnojamojo turto agentas

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