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Ieškoti pagal nuorodos numerį

Valentino Golf 3

A new development in a nice and quiet location, which will be completed in the summer of 2023. Furniture and lightings include the price. A few apartments are still available in this block 2 and the next blocks will be released soon. I would be happy to tell you more about the project and its progress. If you are looking for a high-quality and modern apartment with a beautiful pool and green areas in the community, then this is the right option. Several golf courses in the surrounding area. Contact us and ask for more.

Projekto nuor. 780
Vieta Calle la Verbena de la Paloma, 03189, Villamartin
Joni Teränen

Joni Teränen

English Finnish
Pardavimo vadybininkas
Habita Costa Blanca
Habita licencijuotas nekilnojamojo turto agentas

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