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Airport Residency Estate

The project is ideally located at Old Yundum (Yaarramba) Layout which 5 minutes drive from the airport, 10 minutes drive to Brusubi Turn Table and Bijilo Beach & 15 minutes drive to Senegambia. Villas & Duplex ranging 185m2 – 285m2 are available in different prices and different payment plans, having social amenities such as paved roads, water & electricity at door step, fully developed park with sit outs & Gazebo, main entrance gate with security cabin, 24hrs security, trash collection, street lights, social centre and Club house with a multipurpose hall, restaurant/café, Estate Management and many more. Note: Available space to do construction of Boys Quarter or Swimming Pool & Gazebo (Bantaba) inside your Compound.

Projekto nuor. 643
Vieta Old Yundum, Old Yundum

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  2. Atsiųsime jums keletą sąrašų pavyzdžių
  3. Agentas susisieks su jumis ir papasakos daugiau apie projektą

Prašymas susisiekti

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