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Ieškoti pagal nuorodos numerį

Ratapihantie 11

There are parking spaces in the building basement and in the Veturiparkki parking facility. The building is easy to access from nearly any direction, since all commuter and long-distance trains stop at the adjacent Pasila railway station. The city centre is five minutes away, and trams and buses also operate near the building. Sauna facilities are available for rent in this centrally located property. The diverse services of Pasila are close by: there are restaurants to enjoy lunch and grocery store for convenient shopping after work. The Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, where dozens of various events take place every year, is also located within a stone's throw from the property. A variety of services are available in the area, such as a hotel, restaurants and catering services, are available in the vicinity of the property. The Mall of Tripla will open its doors to the public in autumn 2019. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 357
Vieta Ratapihantie 11, 00520 Helsinki, Itä-Pasila

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