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Hämeentie 105

The commercial property near busy highways is perfect for both offices and storage. The premises can be divided and modified to meet the needs of different businesses. The Lahti motorway runs right next to the property, providing an easy access to the Kehä I ring road as well. The bus and tram stops are within a couple of minutes' walking distance. The centre of Helsinki is approximately fifteen minutes away by public transport. There is a lunch restaurant on the property next door. The services of the Arabia shopping centre, brick-and-mortars and restaurants on Hämeentie are also in the vicinity. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 327
Vieta Hämeentie 105, 00550 Helsinki, Hermanni

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  3. Agentas susisieks su jumis ir papasakos daugiau apie projektą

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