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Kaivokatu 8

The Citycenter retail and office centre is located in the heart of Helsinki, in one of the most famous buildings of the city. The renewed Citycenter offers modern retail and office premises over a total of ten floors. With a broad range of operators, the modern shopping centre has everything from retail to health services, banks and various culinary delights. The building, completed in 1967, was designed by architect Viljo Revell, and it underwent considerable renovations in 2013. The premises offer a open view to the Rautatientori square and towards Töölönlahti bay. The property was awarded the BREEAM environmental certificate. The building offers a wide variety of stores as well as services ranging from health care to banks and gastronomic delights. The services of the city centre are all within walking distance. Property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 319
Vieta Kaivokatu 8, 00100 Helsinki, Kluuvi

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