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Pavintie 3-7

The Pavintie 3-7 property has been completed in two phases, the first part in 1989 and the second part in 2005. The property is located along the Lahti motorway, Road 4 in Itä-Hakkila. The property has good transport links to both Ring Road I and Ring Road III. It is also easy to get to Pavintie with heavy equipment and public transport. The property has three warehouse buildings, the bottoms of which are clear and therefore uncomplicated to use. The clear advantage is that the warehouse buildings have storage shelves ready-made - users do not have to invest in storage shelves separately. In addition, the property includes an office building, the facilities of which are easy to tailor to the needs of future office users. The property has spacious courtyards that facilitate the use of the buildings. The real estate company includes a spacious heated parking garage, where parking spaces can be rented for business use.

프로젝트 참조. 378
위치 Pavintie 3-7, 01260 Vantaa, Itä-Hakkila

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