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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Rantakukankatu 3 A1-A3

Now is an opportunity to acquire a single-family house completed in 2023, immediately available, next to the services and schools of the center of Raahe. The space and lightness of the house is further emphasized by the room height of three meters. Heat is distributed in all living spaces as water-circulated floor heating, which increases living comfort. The open living room and kitchen have a view of the terrace and yard through large windows. In addition to the house, there is a carport and a separate warehouse on the plot. The house was built with professionalism and using high-quality materials. Would this be a new home for you?

Projekti tunnus 995
Asukoht Rantakukankatu 3, 92100 Raahe
Joni Taskila

Joni Taskila

Habita Raahe
Soome kinnisvaramaakleri sertifikaat

Kas soovite selle projekti kohta rohkem kuulda?

  1. Täida vorm
  2. Saadame teile mõned näiteobjektid
  3. Maakler võtab teiega ühendust, et projekti kohta rohkem rääkida.

Kontakti päring

Kontakti päringu saatmisel ilmnes viga. Palun proovi uuesti.


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