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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Nuijamiestentie 3

Avoid the traffic jams of the city centre – set up your business in Haaga: The Nuijamiestentie office building is easily accessible by public transport, bicycle and car alike. The five-storey building houses office space as well as retail and storage space as well as a warehouse and an air raid shelter. Those who commute by bicycle enjoy the proximity of the Central Park, and the sauna lounge of the property is available to everyone working in the building. There is plenty of parking space in the property area. Hämeenlinnanväylä offers good bus connections to many directions, and the Huopalahti railway station is approximately 800 metres away. The property is conveniently close to lunch restaurants, stores as well as seminar facilities for training and hotel services.

Projekti tunnus 356
Asukoht Nuijamiestentie 3, 00400 Helsinki, Pohjois-Haaga

Kas soovite selle projekti kohta rohkem kuulda?

  1. Täida vorm
  2. Saadame teile mõned näiteobjektid
  3. Maakler võtab teiega ühendust, et projekti kohta rohkem rääkida.

Kontakti päring

Kontakti päringu saatmisel ilmnes viga. Palun proovi uuesti.


Täname teid kontakti päringu eest. Võtame teiega peagi ühendust!