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البحث عن طريق الرقم المرجعي

Upper House

Upper House brings new vibrancy to a bourgeoning location. The development will accommodate residents’ appetite for elevate design, socializing, and well-being. The property is also a physical representation of JLT, an area with growing aspirations by putting residents at the heart of a newly rejuvenated — and constantly growing — location. The tower's configuration is made out 5 podiums 31 Residential Floors Studio, 1 and 2 bedoom: 1 parking space 3 bedroom: 2 parking spaces 6 passenger elevators 1 service elevator Anticipated Completion Date Q1 2026 Anticipated Service Charge AED 16 per sq. ft

. المرجع المشروع 805
موقعك First al khail st, Jumeirah Heights

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