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Nekustamā īpašuma aģents

Kia Kavetvuo

English Finnish French

Somijas nekustamā īpašuma kvalifikācija

+358 50 4200185

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Habita Espoo

Keilaranta 1
02150 Espoo Espoon Habita Oy, Habita Espoo
010 585 5820
Uzņēmuma ID: 0819439-9

Kia Kavetvuo

"Do it well, or don't do it at all" is my motto that I have been following in my job as a realtor and that has given great customer feedback for several years.

Thorough, hard-working, cheerful attitude and reachability are words that you recognise me of.

You get what you ask for - asking for me you get a realtor for your home that's willing to do everything to close the deal - with the best price of course!

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