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Namas, esantis namų eilėje / terasinis namas, Jordanstraße 47

18374 Zingst, Müggenburg

Holiday apartment as an investment

The colorful “To Huus” consists of seven low-rise apartment buildings and well-maintained outdoor facilities with a system of paths, communal open spaces and play areas Parking spaces for cars and bicycles. The solid new buildings with a simple facade were built in 1969 and 1987 built and modernized in terms of energy efficiency in the 2000s. A total of 150 residential units, in good condition As-is condition and with a full basement are available here as an attractive investment. “To Huus” offers a long-term and secure real estate investment that is worthwhile.

Anja Raneburger

Anja Raneburger

English German
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Berlin
Pardavimo kaina
199 300 €
Vonios kambariai
Gyvenamasis plotas
51.1 m²

Pagrindinė informacija

Sąrašo numeris 658236
Pardavimo kaina 199 300 €
Kambariai 2
Miegamieji 1
Vonios kambariai 1
Tualetai 1
Gyvenamasis plotas 51.1 m²
Kitų patalpų plotas 3 m²
Gyvenamųjų patalpų aprašas A home for everyone – that is “To Huus”. The 1 to 5 room Apartments have a wide range of sizes from approx. 28 m2 to 92 m2 and space-optimized floor plans with clear spatial structures, adapted to specific needs for singles and couples as well as for families and seniors or young shared apartments. Soundproof plastic windows allow plenty of light and fresh sea air into the rooms and bathroom. To all apartments includes a balcony that offers enough space for seating, and a cellar compartment as additional storage space.
Kitų patalpų aprašas All apartments are in an attractive condition with floor coverings made of PVC or laminate. The partially tiled bathrooms have a toilet, a Washbasin and a shower cubicle with a plastic partition as well as a Washing machine connection. The windows are insulated glazed Plastic window with tilt and turn function. Kitchen connections are available – the tenants can install their own fitted kitchen according to their individual needs.
Vietovės aprašas Each of the three-story residential buildings has three house entrances Basement and rear exit to Patio. Offer wide paths and large open spaces lots of space for young and old – to play, Cycling or meeting the neighbors. In a unique, quiet location, slightly away from the tourist flow, The “To Huus” residential complex is located. Particularly is the unobstructed view over the festival meadow to the harbor in the Bodden up to the island of Kirr, where in addition to those known for the island Cranes, many rare bird species such as sea eagles life. The dreamy Zingst harbor has piers for Passenger ships also have a marina for pleasure boats. He will be up Completely renovated and modernized in summer 2024. “To Huus” serves as an ideal starting point for bicycle tours and Bird watching in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Landscape National Park. If you're looking for even more relaxation, only a few can do it meters away, a wellness area with a freshwater swimming pool, Use the saunas and spa at the Düne 6 wellness camp.
Matavimai patvirtinti Ne
Matavimai pagrįsti Asociacijos straipsniai
Aukštas 2
Gyvenamieji aukštai 1
Būklė Naujas
Atsilaisvina nuo Pagal sutartį
Automobilio statymas Stovėjimo aikštelė kieme
Vaizdai Sodas, Kaimynystė
Telekomunikacijos Palydovinė televizija, Internetas
Grindų paviršiai Laminatas
Sienų paviršiai Dažai
Vonios kambario paviršiai Plytelės
Virtuvės įranga Skalbimo mašinos jungtis
Vonios kambario įranga Dušas, Kriauklė, Klozetas
Aprašas “To Huus” offers a long-term and secure real estate investment that is worthwhile.

Pastato ir nuosavybės informacija

Statybų metai 1987
Atidarymas 1987
Aukštai 3
Liftas Ne
Stogo tipas Plokščias stogas
Ventiliacija Natūrali ventiliacija
Pamatas Betonas
The foundation is made of concrete foundations Strip foundations executed.
Energijos sertifikato klasė B , 2018
Šildymas Dujinis šildymas
Pastato medžiagos Betonas
Stogo medžiagos Betoninės plytelės
Fasado medžiagos Betonas
The solid new buildings with a simple facade were built in 1969 and 1987 and in the Energy modernized in the 2000s. The load-bearing walls consist of reinforced concrete walls. The non-load-bearing walls consist of one Drywall lightweight construction. The ceilings are made of reinforced concrete. The roofs consist of a concrete construction above the last floor and have a thermal insulation. - The flat roof has a bituminous seal. - Access is in the middle of the house via the hatch To reach the stairwell.
Bendrosios zonos Dviračių saugykla, Skalbykla
Servitutai A home for everyone – that is “To Huus”. The 1 to 5 room Apartments have a wide range of sizes from approx. 28 m2 to 92 m2 and space-optimized floor plans with clear spatial structures, adapted to specific needs for singles and couples as well as for families and seniors or young shared apartments. Soundproof plastic windows allow plenty of light and fresh sea air into the rooms and bathroom. To all apartments includes a balcony that offers enough space for seating, and a cellar compartment as additional storage space. All apartments are in an attractive condition with floor coverings made of PVC or laminate. The partially tiled bathrooms have a toilet, a Washbasin and a shower cubicle with a plastic partition as well as a Washing machine connection. The windows are insulated glazed Plastic window with tilt and turn function. Kitchen connections are available – the tenants can install their own fitted kitchen according to their individual needs.
Teritorija Lygus
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Bendrasis planas
Savivaldybės inžineriniai tinklai Vanduo, Kanalizacija, Elektra, Dujos

Energijos sertifikato klasė



Priežiūra 150 € / mėnuo (sąmata)

Pirkimo išlaidos

Perdavimo mokestis 8 %

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