Meniu Meniu

Ieškoti pagal nuorodos numerį

Sklypas, Padasjoentie 748

17450 Iso-Äiniö

Plot 2000m2 and old detached house

A flat single-family house plot with a rural idyll, where three buildings from the 1930s, mainly with log frames, have been demolished. There is a small detached house on the property, the condition of which is not known. The buyer is responsible for possible demolition costs. The size of the plot is 2000 m² and the plot has its own ring well and a closed tank for waste water, in addition to electricity. About fifteen minutes' drive from the center of Vääksy and Padasjoki. Private dirt road to the yard, the maintenance of which is the responsibility of the property owner.

Pinja Laukkanen

Pinja Laukkanen

Pardavimo atstovas
Habita Lahti

Sklypo informacija

Sąrašo numeris 657645
Pardavimo kaina 25 000 €
Nuosavybės nuorodos numeris 16-404-6-33
Turto mokestis per metus 121,5 €
Nuosavybės suvaržymai 90 000 €
Sklypo plotas 2000 m²
Pastatų skaičius 3
Teritorija Lygus
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Plano nėra
Užstatymo teisė 200 m²
Savivaldybės inžineriniai tinklai Elektra
Papildoma informacija There is no plan in the area, so construction is determined by the construction order. The property then has building rights for 10% of the area of ​​the building site. Asikkala's construction order 6§: On the construction site of the residence and holiday building, a two-story building will be built one at a time, and one apartment will be found there.


Maisto prekių parduotuvė 15 km  
Mokykla 13.7 km  

Viešojo transporto pasiekiamumas

Autobusai 0.2 km  


Nuosavybės mokestis 121,5 € / metai

Pirkimo išlaidos

Perdavimo mokestis 3 %
Sutartys 23 €
Kitos išlaidos 128 € (Sąmata)

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  2. Mūsų atstovas nedelsdamas susisieks su jumis ir susitars dėl susitikimo.

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