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Vila, Dzintaru prospekts

2015 Jurmala

We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, in Dzintari

The spacious villa consists of 14 rooms, 7 bathrooms. Around the house there is a well-kept, fenced plot of land with an area of 1705 m2. The total area of the villa is 730 m2. The house has a good layout, commissioned in 2007. In the basement there is a swimming pool, a sauna, and a large recreation room. On the 1st floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, on the 2nd floor there are bedrooms/guest rooms, on the 3rd there is a large recreation room with a library, billiards, and recreation areas.

Ligita Tetere

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Valdantysis direktorius
Habita Riga
Habita licencijuotas nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Pardavimo kaina
900 000 €
Vonios kambariai
Gyvenamasis plotas
700 m²

Pagrindinė informacija

Sąrašo numeris 655674
Pardavimo kaina 900 000 €
Kambariai 14
Miegamieji 6
Vonios kambariai 7
Gyvenamasis plotas 700 m²
Bendras plotas 730 m²
Kitų patalpų plotas 30 m²
Gyvenamųjų patalpų aprašas We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, located in the Dzintari area, on the first coastline from the sea! The spacious villa consists of 14 rooms, 7 bathrooms. Around the house there is a well-kept, fenced plot of land with an area of 1705 m2. The total area of the villa is 730 m2. The house has a good layout, commissioned in 2007. In the basement there is a swimming pool, a sauna, and a large recreation room. On the 1st floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, on the 2nd floor there are bedrooms/guest rooms, on the 3rd there is a large recreation room with a library, billiards, and recreation areas. There is a summer covered veranda attached to the house, where there is an open stove for cooking. The layout allows you to use part of the house as a separate apartment - there is a place for cooking, a separate entrance. There is a garage for two cars. The house has an alarm system. There is a closed, well-groomed area around the house where you can hide from prying eyes. The villa is located in the most prestigious place in Jurmala, on the so-called Golden Mile between Bulduri and Dzintari, at a distance of only 110 meters from the sea! Special offer 900,000 Eur (1233 Eur/m2)
Matavimai patvirtinti Ne
Matavimai pagrįsti Pastato planas
Aukštas 3
Gyvenamieji aukštai 1
Būklė Patenkinamas
Automobilio statymas Automobilio stovėjimo vieta
Vaizdai Galinis kiemas, Sodas, Miškas, Jūra
Aprašas We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, located in the Dzintari area, on the first coastline from the sea!
Papildoma informacija There is a summer covered veranda attached to the house, where there is an open stove for cooking. The layout allows you to use part of the house as a separate apartment - there is a place for cooking, a separate entrance. There is a garage for two cars. The house has an alarm system. There is a closed, well-groomed area around the house where you can hide from prying eyes. The villa is located in the most prestigious place in Jurmala, on the so-called Golden Mile between Bulduri and Dzintari, at a distance of only 110 meters from the sea! Special offer 900,000 Eur (1233 Eur/m2)

Pastato ir nuosavybės informacija

Statybos pradėtos 2005
Statybų metai 2007
Atidarymas 2007
Aukštai 3
Liftas Ne
Energijos sertifikato klasė A , 2007
Teritorija Lygus
Pakrantė 110 m
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Bendrasis planas

Energijos sertifikato klasė



Jokių mokesčių.

Pirkimo išlaidos

Mokesčiai 2 %
Registracijos mokesčiai 200 €
Registracijos mokesčiai 30 €

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