Meniu Meniu

Ieškoti pagal nuorodos numerį

Daugiabutis, Kruzes iela

2015 Jurmala

We rent exclusive apartments in Jurmala

All apartments in the complex are fully furnished and equipped with all necessary appliances. High quality finish. The project area is fenced and there is a private courtyard. The project has apartments of different sizes and layouts, which have from 2 to 5 bedrooms! The apartments have terraces overlooking the Lielupe River or the courtyard. Developed infrastructure - shops, station, public transport stop, cafe, fitness club, tennis court. The river is 50 meters away, the sea is 900 meters away! Pedestrian Jomas Street and Dzintari Concert Hall are 5 minutes away by car.

Ligita Tetere

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Valdantysis direktorius
Habita Riga
Habita licencijuotas nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Nuomos mokestis
2 000 € / mėnuo
Vonios kambariai
Gyvenamasis plotas
120 m²

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Pagrindinė informacija

Sąrašo numeris 655572
Naujos statybos Taip (Galima įsikelti)
Nuomos mokestis 2 000 € / mėnuo
Sutarties laikotarpis Neapibrėžta
Indėlis 2 000 €
Leidžiama rūkyti Ne
Augintiniai įleidžiami Ne
Kambariai 4
Miegamieji 3
Vonios kambariai 2
Gyvenamasis plotas 120 m²
Bendras plotas 140 m²
Kitų patalpų plotas 20 m²
Gyvenamųjų patalpų aprašas We rent exclusive apartments in Jurmala We offer for rent exclusive apartments in a new club-type house Kruzes Nami, located in the prestigious area of Jurmala, Bulduri. All apartments in the complex are fully furnished and equipped with all necessary appliances. High quality finish. The project area is fenced and there is a private courtyard. The project has apartments of different sizes and layouts, which have from 2 to 5 bedrooms! The apartments have terraces overlooking the Lielupe River or the courtyard. Developed infrastructure - shops, station, public transport stop, cafe, fitness club, tennis court. The river is 50 meters away, the sea is 900 meters away! Pedestrian Jomas Street and Dzintari Concert Hall are 5 minutes away by car. For those who decide to settle here, this is the best solution to enjoy the beautiful scenery, breathe the healing pine air, and slow down the frantic pace of life. The Krūzes Nams complex has a rich infrastructure that allows you to use the services of a fitness club, tennis courts, a water park, visit a beauty salon, as well as organize an event in a restaurant and book motor yachts or jet skis. LONG-TERM RENT - from 2000 EUR/month + utilities SUMMER RENT - from 5000 EUR/month + utilities Send your requests and we will send more detailed information and select an apartment based on your wishes.
Matavimai patvirtinti Taip
Matavimai pagrįsti Pastato planas
Aukštas 3
Gyvenamieji aukštai 3
Būklė Naujas
Automobilio statymas Automobilio stovėjimo vieta
Yra paskutiniame aukšte Taip
Vaizdai Galinis kiemas, Sodas, Ežeras
Grindų paviršiai Parketas
Aprašas We offer for rent exclusive apartments in a new club-type house Kruzes Nami, located in the prestigious area of Jurmala, Bulduri.
Papildoma informacija For those who decide to settle here, this is the best solution to enjoy the beautiful scenery, breathe the healing pine air, and slow down the frantic pace of life. The Krūzes Nams complex has a rich infrastructure that allows you to use the services of a fitness club, tennis courts, a water park, visit a beauty salon, as well as organize an event in a restaurant and book motor yachts or jet skis. LONG-TERM RENT - from 2000 EUR/month + utilities SUMMER RENT - from 5000 EUR/month + utilities

Pastato ir nuosavybės informacija

Statybos pradėtos 2018
Statybų metai 2022
Atidarymas 2022
Aukštai 4
Liftas Taip
Energijos sertifikato klasė A , 2018
Šildymas Dujinis šildymas, Radiatorius
Pastato medžiagos Mediena, Plytos
Teritorija Lygus
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Bendrasis planas

Energijos sertifikato klasė