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United States

Buy a property in the USA

We have a comprehensive register of properties both locally and globally, and add daily new homes. You will get a representative who will present you with the best mix of potential homes and arrange the viewings. He will also help in many other aspects of the housing trade.

Real Estate Agent in the USA

Selling a home is for many the largest and most important transaction in the life. Our experienced and trained professionals will help you in all aspects. First we'll ensure that your property will be promptly in the local and international markets - and not stuck in bureaucracy. The representative is personally responsible for all matters related to the sale of your property. In addition, the entire staff makes seamless cooperation: your property will be listed in Habita's internal sales list, and each representative will promote the sale of your property.

Atskiras namas

Naujausios nuosavybės United States

Nuosavybių nėra.

Biurai United States

Biurų nėra.

Paslaugų mokesčiai

Kai pasirašome atstovavimo sutartį su jumis, mes pasirūpiname viskuo nuo pradžios iki galo. Jums nereikia jaudintis dėl dalykų prisiminimo, tai yra mūsų kasdienis darbas ir mes tai darome dešimtmečius. Mūsų mokesčių struktūra yra visiškai skaidri ir neturime paslėptų mokesčių. Pavyzdžiui, apmokestiname oficialius dokumentus be jokių papildomų apdorojimo išlaidų.

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Pardavimo sutarties sudarymas 5 %

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